Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Getting rid of the FNU or LNU

How to get rid of the FNU from your name

Yes i was one of the FNUs ( i am hoping whoever comes across this blog would already know the expansion of the abbreviation FNU, LNU. But in case someone does not, it stands for First Name Unknown, Last Name Unknown)

Yes I have had all the different experiences/reactions/frustrations that come associated with this necessary evil. 

Yes i had gone through the different phases when at one point in time i decided i would get it changed(and will get back the glory of my Original Real name that i want to be known with), and sometime later i had given up since it is a long and tedious (and not very clear) process to get it done. But again after getting frusterated at some other time got the courage back to do it.

And yes i am really really really glad that i finally went ahead with my strong thought of getting it updated and finally achieved it.

So here i am writing my findings and knowledge on the same so that all of you who are facing this issue/challenge would feel the push and be benefited from my experience and would not be as clueless as i was at times during the process.


Have a determined thought that you want to get back your real identity (your name, of all things ;)

Do not think that it is so complicated that you cannot do it. It is worth it, i am telling you.

Accumulate all your positive energy inside you and start with it.

Here it goes:

Step 1: Getting the name updated on your indian passport.

Yes you can get the name updated on your passport from within US (indian embassies in US) with not much hassle.

I have a blog on how to get it updated through BLS in US, you can follow that blog if it is not done already. Click Here to go to that blog.

Step 2: Getting the name updated on the Main visa document I797

Now this is the main process which determines that you have a name change (only passport name change does not suffice for US official records, since they have your FNU name in their records (based on your immigration records) and whenever they tally anything with your official records it shows FNU.

In order to get this updated there are three ways:

1. Get the I797 (and the immigration record I94 which is attached along with it) updated with your new name when your employer or a new employer files for your visa (use the new name in that case) or visa extension.

2. Get the I94 and the Immigration records updated by sending an application to the CBP (Custom and Border protection) along with some $300 fee and the Passport and other proofs (NewsPaper Ad publication etc). This link might help in some way but not sure. You can check with the officer at the Deferred Inspection site regarding the procedure for this. But i am pretty sure the USCIS is not the one who would do it. It should be CBP. 

3. Or wait till you go out of the country. Because when you come back you can use your new updated name on I94 form so that the records get updated with your new name. This is the easiest and cheapest way to do it.

Step 3: Getting your IDs updated with correct name
Once your I94 gets updated, that means the US records have your current name updated. Now the next step is to get all the other documents updated accordingly.

  • Get the Social Security Card updated with the correct name. They would need to have your updated I797 or I94 record to tally their internal systems before they update it for you. So take that along with you. 
  • Get your Drivers license updated with the correct name.
  • Get your home lease documents updated with the correct name by providing your DL or your passport.
Step 4: Getting all the financial details updated
Show your updated passport to get the name updated in your bank accounts/loans etc. 
Credit card companies may ask you for a court order to do so. However i have found success in getting it updated by providing DL, Passport and other supporting documents (News Paper cutting etc.). I explained to them that i am foreign citizen and i do not go through the Court order process. And i have passport with updated name. 
Some of the Credit card companies still insist on a court order.

Step 5: Credit history
For this one you actually dont need to do anything. Once the Credit card companies provide your new name as the history to the Bureaus, they will automatically register your new name in your history. 

Step 6: Update your Name in your head and on your NamePlate outside your house :)